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The Best Flower Pots in South Carolina

  • Posted on July 9, 2010 at 4:30 am

Which Pot is Right For You?

So many pots, so little time.

Selecting the right pot for your garden is an essential part of raising beautiful flowers from seeds.  Choosing plant pots and containers is something we may not give much thought about, however, there are a surprising number of options! Picking out the best types can make a big difference to the success of young plants.  Here is a brief list comparing the pros and cons of different pot materials.  After reading this post, you’ll know which pot is right for you!

Terra Cotta Pots

These pots are traditional and decorative, but porous and dry out quickly.  Many are not frost-resistant.  Stone and Concrete terra cotta pots are good for maintaining soil temperature and moisture. They heat up, but also insulate. Both can be left out over winter, but not great choices if the planter needs to be moved. They’re great if you need a planter that pets can’t knock over, and you don’t plan on moving your plant.

Wood & Metal Pots

Wood pots have good water retention and help nurture your flowers. Hard woods are better preventions against rot, but all wood planters can be treated with preservatives. Look for good construction and joints, since wood will shrink and expand with moisture. They’re also okay for winter planting.

Metals pots are generally heavy, so they are excellent for stabilizing tall plantings. They don’t just dry out, they heat up and need frequent watering or the roots could bake. Often a good choice for winter containers.

Synthetic Pots

Fiberglass and resin: They are light, durable, inexpensive and often frost-resistant.

Plastic Pots

These pots are lightweight and moisture conserving. The semi-flexible pots work best for cold winters and are also good as liners. Plant directly into the plastic pot and then slip the plastic pot into the more decorative container. You get the benefits of both.

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