You are currently browsing the archives for 9 June 2010.
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Where The Bride and Groom Will Live

  • Posted on June 9, 2010 at 4:30 am

That long courtship surprisingly ended in marriage.

How did you decide where to live after you are married?

Since the housing market in Lancaster,  South Carolina seems to be getting better and interest rates are still pretty low you have some different options.

Do you want to live on one income and invest the other one?

Maybe you have a townhouse in Charlotte and he has an apartment in Lancaster which we could both live in.

Maybe it would be better to start off in our own place. Maybe you will decide to move into the townhouse in Charlotte and give up the apartment in Lancaster.

Maybe you will decide to move closer to your jobs and find a place half way in Rock Hill or Chester and you will decide to buy a house since Its bigger, newer, nicer, and in a better part of town than his apartment.

These are very exciting times but deciding where to live after you are married are important steps that are stressful and fun.

Maybe you will think about renting to save up the money for a deposit. I don’t know what the market is like where you are, but mortgage rates are so low that it is actually pretty hard to rent a place in most markets right now.

Your friends at the Purple Rooster.

In our next post we will discuss the consideration of the rooms in your new home.

ps: Check out the Consider How Many Rooms there will be to furnish here!